Contact Texas Prostate team
Men contact us from all walks of life but share a common story of a newly diagnosed prostate cancer, cancer recurrence or enlarged prostate gland. They are distraught, anxious, seeking guidance and clarity. Often, they have only had a 10-minute consultation with their urologist and are expected to make a treatment decision with life-altering consequences. We understand that a decision like this needs time and guidance. At Texas Prostate we give you the time you need to consult with us and weigh your treatment options.

Share your Medical Records
We perform a detailed review of all your medical records, including biopsy results, PSA readings, and imaging findings. You can upload or mail these to us, or we can work with your providers to request these with your consent. If you don’t have all the diagnostic tests you need, we can order and schedule any necessary exams. With this information in hand, we will produce a personalized treatment recommendation.

Meet Drs. Cochran and Chopra
We will schedule a consultation visit for you, either in person at Texas Prostate or virtually, depending on your preference. During this visit Dr. Cochran will review your medical records and your prostate diagnosis with you. He will discuss your treatment options and will share his recommendation of your best path forward. You have plenty of time to ask questions and are not rushed because of a waiting appointment. Our consultations are booked for 1 hour. If you have questions that arise after this appointment, you can contact us to discuss them. The goal is to give you the clarity and time to make a treatment decision. If you are interested in and are eligible for an ultrasound therapy like the TULSA Procedure or Transrectal HIFU, we will discuss your treatment plan with you at the meeting.

Set a Date for Treatment
If you elect for a TULSA or HIFU treatment at Texas Prostate, we will work with you to find a date that fits your schedule, and help you with the necessary arrangements. We will provide you with detailed instructions for preparation on the day of treatment, as well as your recovery post treatment. We perform all the necessary evaluations to make sure you are cleared for treatment at Texas Prostate.

Treatment Day
On the day you arrive for your treatment the entire team at Texas Prostate is focused on you and your loved ones that accompany you, ensuring you are comfortable and well taken care of. You are prepared for treatment with our anesthesia team, and the ultrasound therapy is delivered in approximately 3 hours. You recover comfortably at Texas Prostate and are monitored until you are safe to return home with your companion. We go over all the necessary post-treatment instructions with you and provide you with the supplies you need in the immediate days following treatment. Dr. Cochran and the treatment team follow up with you daily to see how you are recovering. If you have any questions, you can call us and we will follow up with you promptly.

We schedule a follow-up visit with Dr Cochran at Texas Prostate 7-10 days after your treatment. Dr Cochran will remove your foley catheter and will determine whether you can return to normal activities. Most men are fully recovered by this date. If you need further follow-up, he will continue to see you for the next 90 days to ensure your recovery is complete. At 90 days, you will have a final follow-up to get a PSA test, so we can evaluate the response of your prostate to treatment. From here, you can continue under Dr. Cochran’s care, or return to your existing doctor. For out-of-town patients, we will work with your doctor at home to ensure you have proper follow-up after your procedure. We can coordinate with your existing urologist, or help you find one where you live.

Go On With Life!
Unlike conventional treatments, the complications rates with ultrasound therapies like the TULSA Procedure or Transrectal HIFU are extremely low. Most men return to regular activities and never look back! See our testimonials to get a better idea of what life is like after treatment.